John + Cathy Mazza
Lead Pastors
Family Worship Center’s purpose is to reach people with the life-giving message of Jesus that they might become fully devoted followers of Christ.
John and Cathy are honored to serve God in leading Family Worship Center together with a fantastic team of people. Their passion is to help people find and release God’s great love and purpose for their lives; by building a relevant, multi-cultural church where everyone can find a place to belong and grow. Family Worship Center has been their home since it was founded in 1984, and it is the place where they are privileged to raise their three children: Nicolas, Nathan and Juliana.
Sam Spears | Nancy Spears
Pastoral Care Pastors + Elders Ministry
Matthew Burgos
Teaching Pastor, Life Group, & Growth Track Coordinator
Mary Cuchetti Roig
Worship Leader
Jonathan Remmers
Facilities Supervisor
Kathy Dowding
Infant Director
Maggie Serrano
Sandy Slack
Office Administer
Fred Magliacane
Technical Director
Lindy Nemier
Hospitality + Events Coordinator
Carol Kangur
Young at Heart Coordinator
Jordan MacGinnis
Toddler & Preschool Director
Family Worship Center is looking for ministry-minded, Christ-centered individuals to work in our church office & student ministry departments. To apply, email resume to churchoffice@fwcpo.org. Only electronic submissions will be reviewed.